We are delighted to announce that our next exhibition 'TIDDAS | Aboriginal Women's Art' will take place at Wetpaint Gallery, nr Stroud. It opens on the 11th May - 22nd June, 2019.
Tiddas is a new exhibition celebrating the exceptional and diverse work of female Indigenous Australian Artists. Women’s art has for many years made up the majority of Aboriginal Art UK’s collection, and we are delighted that these artists are now getting the recognition that their male counterparts have received.
Tidda is an Aboriginal word that means sister, best friend, aunty or mentor; it is an important term that describes the connection between women. Many of the artists on show share close relationships as family, teachers, or as inspirational figures who have led the way for female Aboriginal artists through the challenges of their distinct experiences.
The exhibition is free, Open Wednesday to Saturday, 10:30 - 16:30. We hope to see you there!
For further details about the exhibition please contact Nadia Phillips nadia@aboriginalartuk.com