Yinarupa Nangala (b. 1960)
Untitled, 2018
87 x 28 cm. Acrylic on linen canvas
Provenance: Certificate of authenticity from arts centre
Yinarupa Nangala is a Pintupi woman, born to the west of what is now Kiwirrkurra community in Western Australia. She is the daughter of the great Papunya Tula Artists, Anatjari Tjampitjinpa.
These works depict the Ngamurru in Kiwirrkurra, a meeting place for Aboriginal women where ceremonial business is conducted.
The various shapes in her work record important features of the landscape including rock holes, which serve as important water sources, women’s meeting places and abundant food areas. Yinarupa uses a combination of traditional and contemporary symbols providing an aerial view of the Pintupi area.