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Ghost Gums

Nadia Phillips

Ghost Gums have a deep connection with the Aboriginal people. Generations were taught that the glow of the trees at night was evidence of the presence of living spirits.

Eucalyptus trees were an important medicinal plant for Indigenous Australians who used different parts for many uses. Gum was used as a leech repellent and an antiseptic relief from burns. A preparation from the bark was used to fight chest infections as it still is today.

Their wood has been used to make shelters, shields, paintings, canoes, spears, clapsticks, clubs, spear-throwers, smoking pipes and containers. Fine strands of bark even make string!

This ancient tree, fossils record its presence over 52 million years ago, is another fantastic example of the Aborigines connection and relationship with the natural world.

This wonderful painting is 'Para' by Tali Tali Pompey, a Kaltjiti Arts artist. 'Para' shows Ghost Gum (Eucalyptus) trees, and their smooth cream and white bark. The slender trunks are hard to focus on, the eye is constantly drawn away to the bright landscape colours in between - the trees are elusive, ghost gums indeed!

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